Below are the companies and individuals who make what we do possible. Words cannot adequately express the level of gratitude I feel as founder of A Pathway to Hope and Home, Inc., for these Angels on Earth who are helping me further my mission in this world. Changing people's lives for the better is my passion and purpose and with your continued financial support, I'm able to fulfill this earthly assignment. Through deed and dollar, these individuals and entities are redirecting the course of so many people's lives through our We Care Car Program, outreach initiatives, free and affordable housing, just to name a few of our good deeds. The generosity of our sponsors is making it possible for us to help people who have great potential but simply need a helping hand at this moment, come to live their best lives. Indeed, please know that we love you so much and are humbled that you have chosen A Pathway to Hope and Home, Inc., to be one the stewards of your donation dollars.
Our Sponsors:
Logo or Pic | Company Description or Short Bio |