
Free Online Classes - Image for PageTo get the most out of life, it's important to keep learning. Whether enrolling in an institution of higher learning or taking a few continuing education courses at a local community college, the mind works best when it is being continually challenged and developed. Thus the reason we have listed a host of websites that offer free online classes in topics ranging from computer programming and creative design to lessons in the law or how to become a speech writer. During the process of taking one of these courses, you may discover a new career path or uncover a hidden talent that could change the entire direction of your life. Indeed, the possibilities are endless when you make learning a life-long journey! Therefore, we encourage you to avail yourself of these resources and invite your family and friends to do so as well. Enjoy!

 CodeCademy  Alison
 Udemy  Udacity
 EDX  Coursera
 Alison  Plural Sight
 AdobeTV  Udemy
Online Marketing
 The Muse  Alison
 Skillshare  Social Media Quickstarter
 Udemy  Open 2 Study
 Coursera  Alison
 Open 2 Study  Udemy
 Alison  Future Learn
 Class Central  Coursera
 Udemy  EDX
 Coursera  Alison
 Udemy  Open 2 Study
 Udemy  EDX
 Alison  Coursera
 Future Learn